how it all began

As a child I spent many hours tackling my father’s collection of wooden puzzles, largely without success. Rarely, whether by luck or sheer determination, I would stumble upon a solution and I remember the sense of wonder I felt when a puzzle's secret mechanisms were revealed.

Soon I began inventing games of my own. These simple, homespun diversions would evolve over the years into increasingly sophisticated challenges for the entertainment of friends and family. Little could compare to the satisfaction of seeing others enjoy conquering my conundrums.


A love of biology led me to medical school and a decade of training to become an eye surgeon. Amidst the relentlessness and rigours of training, my puzzle hobby gathered dust.

And then the pandemic struck.

Reflecting at that time, I was reminded of things I had taken for granted: our daily freedoms, the blessing of a stable job, the fragility of life, treasured memories of time spent with loved ones and how fundamental our need is for human connection.

A refuge from the stresses of work, I began tinkering with my old game ideas again and my passion was immediately reignited. I spent many days and sleepless nights ruminating on new puzzle concepts, searching for ways to inject them with meaning, wit and heart to elevate my humble brainteasers into something greater: a story, a journey, a quest.

And thus Lox was born.


What, you may ask, can a paper puzzle game offer in a world of instantly accessible, limitless online entertainment? I believe there is a simple yet more profound pleasure to be found in sitting down with friends or loved ones to solve a puzzle together.

Ultimately, puzzles are about making connections. There is the firing and rewiring of synaptic connections in your brain as you ponder the problem, as well as the logical steps and intuitive leaps that you make on route to the solution. Most memorable, however, are the bonds forged through collaborating with others, the moments of mutual inspiration and the satisfaction of making it to the end of the quest, all the sweeter for having been reached together.

It is my sincere hope that Lox will spark meaningful connections between you and your fellow players that endure long after the puzzles are solved.

Ever yours,

The Loxmith